
Hello! And welcome to my family blog! I have a 1-year old boy, Donovan, who's a very active go get 'em little boy! And I have my 3-year old daughter, Analynn, who was a preemie and has many delays, but she is such a bright little angel. Many of my blogs will be about my adventures with Analynn. She doesn't talk and is often frustrated with the world around her. Although she shares many quirks, we learned that she does not fall into the Autism spectrum, because she does make eye contact and can engage - even if for short periods. She was also tested for Fragile X, but that was also negative. Much of her delay could be related to poor motor planning - making it a struggle for her to figure out how to use her mouth to speak. She has had many struggles with motor planning - she crawled around 15months and didn't walk until she was 2.5years. As a baby, she actually never rolled over from back to front until she was already walking and we made her start getting herself up after diaper changes. There is so much more! So read along with my journey as a mom with Her Little Quirks!

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